Refreshed Interface

Dear everyone, I have managed finally managed to get some time to refurnish the online shop as well as bringing in new events and products. This Covid pandemic has been revolutionalising businesses and life, and Blossoms By Rei is not spared either.

Here are some of the updates:

  • New simplified theme for easy navigating and online purchase experience.
  • Introducing Month exclusive designed bouquets! These bouquets will be available at a special rate for the particular month and then continue to be available for purchase in our usual catalog.
  • Florist's pick bouquet (Blooms of the Day) is available for easy purchase online! When you purchase a florist pick, it basically means that it's up to the designer to design a bouquet freestyle with what's in our inventory. If you would like to have a customised bouquet, do whatsapp us to discuss and preorder as usual.
  • Subscribe to our bouquet delivery! Deliveries will be made on Saturdays and you may choose to have it either weekly or monthly. Deliveries will run monthly for weekly subscriptions and 4 months for the monthly subscriptions. First time subscriber will receive a free vase.
  • First time online floral marketplace! It will be held on the 22nd May 2020 so do keep a look out!
  • BBR Tips is now online if you think we have done a good job and would like to give us a tip. Thank you!
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